Cadnam Audio may be a new name, but has a vintage history dating back to the late 1970's. To read more about how it came to be, please visit the history page.

In October 2023, whilst at the Audio Show that took place at Staverton Hall Hotel, speaker designer, David Hall was looking for people he could work with to bring his visions to life.

Also at the show were Father & Son team, Gareth & Tom Ellis, showcasing their new speakers. Although designers and cabinet makers themselves, they were actively looking for a speaker designer to move their speakers forward.

They struck up a great friendship, along with David's wife, Christine, and have since had a productive working relationship, making Cadnam Audio go from strength to strength.

The knowledge and expertise between the four is invaluable and has created a speaker brand that thrives to create a sound like no other brand.



Cadnam Audio now produce the latest version of David Hall’s designs along with his 2 Associates Gareth and Thomas Ellis, he has produced the very latest answer to real foundational Bass production for superb musical performance. Gareth and Tom interpret his designs very accurately with their high precision CNC machines, in beautiful Welshpool, Wales.

David started designing amazing Bass reproducing loudspeakers back in 1978 with the Company he set up along with his partner Alan Willis, that resulted in the high-quality Beaulieu loudspeaker launched by their Company ‘Integrated Audio Systems Ltd’ (IAS) at the Cunard Hotel HiFi Show 1980. Subsequently reviewed by John Borwick in the prestigious magazine ‘The Gramophone & Record Review’ April 1981.

David has now designed a superb updated version of his Bass loading (Based on Horn loading) that he now calls a

‘Ruach Resonant Pressure Chamber’ © October 2021

This latest itineration supersedes all of his previous designs that IAS used from 1978 onwards. No damping is used internally, just like most musical instruments are not stuffed with long haired wool or polyester materials, that literally choke the sound and absorb the actual musical notes being played on the recordings. The Bass players pluck real notes or chords and not boom-boom notes. The Drummers hit skins and cymbals, that resonate as actual notes being played. The woodwinds and brass sections use crafted musical instruments that allow the notes to flow out of their instruments that are a delight to listen too. However much of modern design philosophy creates ‘mush’ that comes out of loudspeakers that have no reality to actual live music.

Cadnam also go to the extreme of counteracting any spurious resonances often associated with open ended horn type loudspeakers. Cadnam Audio use Gareth & Tom’s highly skilful use of a skin of very high-end ‘solid surface’ material so that the cabinet structure is now very inert to outside resonance and noises. The material Cadnam call Starion is also a decorative finish and does not look out of place in modern homes.

What is also evident from the ‘Foundational Bass RRPC system’ we use is that it creates amazing openness that gives the music ‘staging and atmospheric presence’ often associated with Open Baffle designs, mostly missing in traditionally designed speakers.